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Fight or Flight Movie 2025

Fight or Flight is an Action and Thriller fiction movie directed by James Madigan. Starring Josh Hartnett as Lucas Reyes, Katee Sackhoff as Katherine Brunt, it features a talented cast including Marko Zaror, Julian Kostov and Charithra Chandran. This film is written by Brooks McLaren and D.J. Cotrona. The film was produced by Basil Iwanyk, Tai Duncan and Erica Lee. It is presented by The Royal Budapest Film Company, Asbury Park Pictures, Thunder Road, F or F Films and Liam Jay Films. The release date for Fight or Flight is 13 March 2025, with a total runtime of 1 hours and 42 minutes.

Fight or Flight Movie Overview and Details

Movie NameFight or Flight
Original LanguageEnglish
Spoken LanguageEnglish
Release Date13 March 2025
Runtime1 hours and 42 minutes
CountryUnited States of America, United Kingdom and Hungary
GenresAction and Thriller
Writer Brooks McLaren and D.J. Cotrona
DirectorJames Madigan
ProducerBasil Iwanyk, Tai Duncan and Erica Lee
EditorBen Mills
ScreenplayBrooks McLaren and D.J. Cotrona
Production Co.The Royal Budapest Film Company, Asbury Park Pictures, Thunder Road, F or F Films and Liam Jay Films
Related Social MediaIMDb

Fight or Flight Movie Cast

Josh HartnettLucas Reyes
Katee SackhoffKatherine Brunt
Marko ZarorCheyenne
Julian KostovAaron Hunter
Charithra ChandranIsha
JuJu ChanMaster Lian
Sanjeev KohliPilot
Rebecka JohnstonRebecca
Nóra TrokánCat Eyes
Sarah LamMay
Irén BordánMrs. Nazareth
Hughie O'DonnellGarrett

Fight or Flight Movie Story

A mercenary takes on the job of tracking down a target on a plane but must protect her when they’re surrounded by people trying to kill both of them.


Fight or Flight Images & Screenshots


Fight or Flight Movie Rating

The film Fight or Flight, helmed by James Madigan and produced by Basil Iwanyk, Tai Duncan and Erica Lee under the banners of The Royal Budapest Film Company, Asbury Park Pictures, Thunder Road, F or F Films and Liam Jay Films., has achieved a rating of 7 rating out of 10, based on 1 votes. This Action and Thriller movie, released in United States of America, United Kingdom and Hungary, stands as a noteworthy contribution to the world of cinema.

Fight or Flight Movie Review

Fight or Flight is an enthralling movie that delves into the genres of Action and Thriller. Directed by James Madigan under the banners of The Royal Budapest Film Company, Asbury Park Pictures, Thunder Road, F or F Films and Liam Jay Films.

Set in United States of America, United Kingdom and Hungary, predominantly in English, Fight or Flight Movie explores the intricacies of life, love, and the unforeseen twists that can alter everything. The film takes audiences on a roller-coaster journey of emotions, eliciting laughter, tears, and contemplation about the complexities of human relationships.

In conclusion, the Fight or Flight movie is an absolute must-see for fans of thought-provoking Action and Thriller fiction. This film brilliantly illustrates the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of love. With its captivating storyline, exceptional performances, and remarkable production quality, this film emerges as a true cinematic masterpiece that should not be missed.

FAQs About Fight or Flight Movie

Q: What genre is Fight or Flight?

Ans: Fight or Flight is an Action and Thriller Fiction movie.

Q: Who directed and wrote Fight or Flight?

Ans: Fight or Flight was directed by James Madigan and written by Brooks McLaren and D.J. Cotrona.

Q: Who are the main actors in Fight or Flight?

Ans: Fight or Flight stars Josh Hartnett as Lucas Reyes, Katee Sackhoff as Katherine Brunt, along with Marko Zaror, Julian Kostov and Charithra Chandran.

Q: When was Fight or Flight released, and how long is it?

Ans: Fight or Flight was released on 13 March 2025, with a runtime of 1 hours and 42 minutes.

Q: What is the main plot of the movie Fight or Flight?

Ans: The story of this film revolves around themes like mercenary and fight or flight.

Q: What is the box office collection of Fight or Flight?

Ans: Fight or Flight has grossed a total of $0.00 at the box office.

About Manoj Verma
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